Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home again

Hello, Hello! We're back from our weekend trip to New Mexico for my cousins 4th birthday! Happy Birthday Samantha! It was good trip and we got to see my grandparents, my cousins, my aunt and uncle and my great grandma. However the hotel's pool water had so much chlorine in it that it burned your eyes just sitting next to the pool! (that was sorta random, I know)

The scenery was, of coarse, just beautiful! Unfortunately we didn't see much on the way up there because we didn't leave our house till about 6 pm! On the return trip though, we got to see plenty. The car trip up wasn't much fun. It was cramped and dark most of the way and with 2 little ones you can just imagine what that was like. The car trip home was much more comfortable because dad drove a different car home (we got our great grandmothers old car) so there was an extra seat. However, dad had much different trip home.

Since he had to be back in time for church on Sunday he left Saturday afternoon. Well, on the way home the alternator in his car quit working so the battery rand down. And on top of the car troubles it was raining cats and dogs and the roads were flooded because of hurricane Erin! And we thought we were safe from hurricanes up here! So he had to wait out the storm and while doing so he missed church. Thankfully he was able to fix the car and got home Sunday.

Well, I must get back to school, so I will have to go.


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