Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So, since I last posted, nothing really exciting has happened (maybe that's why I have taken so long to post again!). I am loaded down with school this year and to be honest, I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done! Each subject by itself (except Chemistry) isn't a problem; but putting them together is going to be tough.

Okay, enough school. This year I am planning to enter into the state fair competitions. The deadline for entry forms is Friday. I need to hurry up and get my entries settled. Thankfully I don't have to have the actual piece finished, I just have to have the forms mailed in. Surprisingly (ha ha) there are a ton more categories then there were in Nac, and it is difficult to know which ones I'm looking for.

Dad has finally re-started the girls ensemble at church. I love the song he picked! I hope that we can learn it fast so we can spend more time on the fine-tuning. I am a little worried that the middle part will have some trouble because the girls in it, as far as I know, have not done a lot of singing, and the song is syncopated. But, I am not too worried, because Dad is an excellent teacher and the girls will probably do fine.


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