Thursday, May 25, 2006

Canoe trip part 2

Well, now for the second day of my canoe trip. Sunday morning I woke up about 6:00 or 7:00 and sat by the fire and talked with the other people who were up, mostly adults but there was one other girl up. Once breakfast was ready and there still wasn't anybody up the one other girl who was awake and I got a huge metal pan and a big metal utensil and we went down by the tents and banged as loud as we could on that pan until we woke everybody up for breakfast (with Mr Mark's permission of course). After breakfast we pushed off and started down the river. We mostly just paddled the whole day and stopped a few times and except for one stoop it was mostly uneventful. We had stopped for the last time to let everyone catch up and had eaten some fruit and were all leaving and dad and I had just pushed off when we herd this bloodcurdling scream from behind. We turned around and saw this girl leap out of her canoe, land on her feet and in about two seconds was ten feet away from her canoe and her partner was standing in his seat with his paddle ready. We asked somebody what happened and apparently there was a snake in their canoe! They finale got everything settled in their boat and continued but later on they somehow got a fish in their boat that was about five inches long. Aside from that there was nothing super exciting that day. On the way home I mostly slept because I was so tired. Well, that was the overview of the trip, if anyone wants a more specific story they can just ask me and I would be glad to oblige. This evening was the softball closing ceremony's and my team got third! I have only placed once before this after playing for six years so it was very exciting. Well, if you want to know the reason that I didn't post this sooner, a stomach virus has been going around and I was to busy on Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday I got sick and today we had grandparents over and right now is the first chance I had to post anything. Well, that's all for now so until later, goodbye!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Canoe trip part 1

Well, I'm back from the canoe trip and I had a blast. Friday night we got to the caddo river and spent the night at the landing catching crayfish and roasting marshmellows. I accidentally leaned against one of the roasting sticks and got gooey marshmellows all over my clothes. The next morning we had fresh doughnuts from town that were really good and around 9:30 to 10 we pushed off. After canoing for about two hours we stopped for lunch and swam for a little while. Then we continued for a few more hours and stopped at the "jumping rock" where we always stop. The jumping rock is a huge rock that sticks out of the water and the water is deep enough to jump into and we always stay there for an hour at least. While we were stopped I saw this fish in the water that looked like it was very sick and was sort of half floating half swimming and I thought to myself that I would like to catch that fish. Around that time a few more people saw the fish and so me and three other boys all jumped into the water to catch the fish. I was getting very close and then I had it.. and then I lost it. I had my hands around it but it slipped away. Then, one or two girls got on top of the rock so they could see it better and gave us directions on where the fish was because we couldn't see it from in the water. We then chased the fish for ten minutes but I was the only one who actually touched it. We finaly had to give up and so we went back to jumping off the rock until we had to go on. We canoed for another three hours or so (maybe longer) and then we got to the campsite. The closest we got to tumping over was after the jumping rock. We were going down the river and I was in the back steering when up ahead we here fast water. I was thinking that it was just fast water and it would be no problem. I was wrong. The river had a sharp bend in it and the water was going fast and then on one side there was a tree right up next to the water. The tree was sort of pulling you towards it and we hit that tree broadside, took on a little water and got a little bruised and wet. Daddy stopped the canoe (we were backwards) and pulled it in to the bank. He then proceeded to help everyone who came past there until our entire group which, by that time was spread out, had come past. In addition to our group he helped numerous other people. We must have waited 30 to 45 minutes! That was the closest we ever came to tumping over. Once we were at the campsite we put up our tent on the rocky and uncomfortable ground and I swam for the next hour or two. Then, I watched some people fishing for gar. There were a lot of gar this year and they were big. One guy caught one that was almost two feet long! After that we had a wonderful dinner of steak and mashed potatoes and salad and if you wanted you could have some fruit. Later that evening we had a lesson and then I went to bed. That is all for the first day and so I will end this post, but I will post day two later. Goodbye all!

The color of your eyes

My Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

Sunday, May 14, 2006


Pholph's Scrabble Generator

My Scrabble© Score is: 8.
What is your score? Get it here.
I found this on another blog and thought that it was a wast of time, but I posted it anyways.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


This afternoon my friend whose birthday party was scheduled for the weekend of the canoe trip has moved it (not for me, I told her not to make changes in her schedule for me) to some time in June! I WILL BE ABLE TO GO ON THE CANOE TRIP!! I was so exited that when I was telling my dad about it I made a leap into the air and came down... right on my ankle! It hurt teribly and the last time I remember hurting my ankle this bad was two years ago in the summer play at the community theater. I normaly wouldn't mind except the fact that I have a softball game at 5:30 today and we are already calling in several subs. If my ankle doesn't feel good I will be very upset. Well, that is all for now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Purple fingers

Yup, thats right, I have purple fingers. Yesterday morning we (my family and I) went dewberry picking. Some friends of ours invited us to come and pick because they had a lot on thier property. We must have picked a ton before we stoped and we might go back, but I don't see how we'll have time to. This summer will be the buisyest summer I can remember. I have a church camp, I hav some speech camps that I want to go to, I have softball tournaments that my ccoach wants to do this summer and I want to be in a musical this summer. I still don't know how or when I will finde the time to fit all these activitys into my summer but hopefully I will find a solution soon.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Tears of crushing dissapointment

Tears roll down her cheeks, her hopes are crushed, to her, it seems as if no one cares for her, she is all alone...

okay, maybe it's not that dramatic, but I am very sad. My youth minister recheduled the canoe trip for the week-end of my best friends birthday and so I had to make a choice and I decided that I will go to her party because she lives three hours away from me. Oh well, I guess that I will just have to go on the canoe trip next year. But, when I get back I will tell you all about my trip. Untill then,