Saturday, July 18, 2009

Once again, I am posting. As I mentioned earlier, I played laser tag last Tuesday, which was lots of fun. I didn't expect to like it, and I didn't do very well, but it was fun all the same. Unfortunatnly, one of the girls in my small group was in a wreck on the way to play, so she didn't get to come. She is okay though, and the wreck wasn't her fault.

Next week is Dayspring (church camp)! I am actually excited, and I am usually not really excited. I hope I have a good B.A.S.I.C. group (Brothers and Sisters In Christ), it will be sad if I don't. It should be a fun week, especially with the girls from church, we have all become really good friends these last few months. So, barring any major drama, it should be a great cabin this year. We recently got a new middle school youth pastor, and he will be at Dayspring. I am excited to get to know him better, he seems really neat.

Well, that is all for now, I'll be back next weekend with lots of pictures and stories to tell!


1 comment:

Petr said...

What sort of thing is laser tag? Point the laser at somebody else and turn it on? Doesn't sound too bad...

Have fun! Hoping you can learn much from camp/your group :)