Sunday, June 25, 2006


Well, I have had a great week. Last Monday I went to church camp and I had a great time. The one problem with camp however is that the ground is mostly dust and I have seasonal allergies and the dust was not good for me. Other then that I had a blast. I didn't even get a sunburn and that is an incredible feat for me to achieve. But I think that my favorite part (besides getting a week with new people to talk to) was evening worship. I loved the speaker and the worship was very serious and meaningful to me. Every day there is a clean cabin award, one for the boys and one for the girls. Each cabin cleans everything up and tries to get the cleanest cabin out of all the cabins. Well, sometimes there is a messy cabin award but this year the directors weren't planning to have one. Our cabin didn't know that and so on Wednesday everyone but me and the counselor and one other person were trying to get the messy award and so they put leaves all over and threw clothes on the floor and in the rafters and messed up their bunkes. Well, the councilors thought that that was a bad idea so they gave our cabin (with the exception of us who kept ourselves clean and organized) the job of cleaning up after the meals for the rest of the day. Well, after that they decided that the messy award wasn't any fun so we got our act together a won the clean award on Friday, the last possible day. Friday evening one of the girls in the pink cabin (not my cabin) had left wet clothes out and open food on her bed and so guess what happened, she found a scorpion in her bed. Well, of all sixty nine kids there, she was the one person that didn't need one in her bed. When she found out about it she screamed for about ten minutes then she finely left and wouldn't sleep in the cabin so she moved to the air conditioned cabin (our cabins were only screened in at the top) and slept there. If she had to sleep in her bed I think she would have passed out from sheer fright! Amazingly everyone got over it rather quickly and she was the only one who moved. In addition to finding a scorpion, people found snakes all over the place. They must have killed about five or six while we were there and there were some that didn't get killed. I kept on looking for a snake but I never saw one. Darn. Well, I need to go now, I've been on for longer then I should have. So until later, goodbye!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Check out these videos, their really cute:

Amburgers and Wootbeer!

llama song (here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little ...

If you want to see something stupid, check out one of these videos:

Gollum Rap - Flash Animation

Mashed Taters (Potatoes) Funny Flash

One of my friends showed me these videos and I thought that it would be something good to post. If your computer won't open these sites do a google search for them. For the first one search for Amburgers and Wootbeer! For the Next one search for Llama song. For the third one search for Gollum rap and for the last one search for Mashed Taters. Each of these searches should come up with several different links, but these are the ones that would open on my computer. Just be sure that you are careful on the sites because I don't think that they are good sites (I haven't looked around at all). Well, I'm off, have a good fathers day (even if you aren't a father).

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Well I'm back

Well hello everyone. Yes, I am finely posting. I not posted for a while because I haven't really felt like it but I feel like it now so I guess I'll post. This last week was VBS at our church and I was in charge of six kids. ARGGGG! I had a very very tiring week. Now, I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy myself, in fact, I had a blast. I'm just saying that although I loved all the kids to death, I am glad I don't have to keep up with them any more. That's all. Well, last weekend I went to my friends birthday party and I spent the weekend with her and I had a blast! We swam a lot (she has a pool) and on Saturday night we never went to bed (or to sleep for that matter). I hope she had as much fun as I did. This Sunday I am going to camp! Yay! I can't wait! I have been looking forward to camp for a long time and I am sure that I will have a blast. I will tell you all about it when I get back. Well, I must be on my way, goodbye!