Tuesday, August 14, 2012

*You can skip this post, I'm just venting.

Can I just say that it really bugs me when people try to tell me I'm wrong? Or constantly give me instructions as if I'm incapable of knowing what to do. Or act like I can't handle something because I'm too young or "innocent". Or take over something I'm working on because I'm too slow. I think that's why I don't handle large groups of people for long periods of time very well. I don't want to be told how if I've been told before, I don't want to be treated like I'm inferior, incapable, or stupid, and I don't want people to stand over my shoulder and treat me like I'm five and keep me out of the loop because I might be scandalized. If you can tell the person next to me, you can tell me, or not bring it up when I'm right there and then whisper it in their ear.

This has been a stressful 3 days :/ Move in was this Sunday and Monday, and I've over-exceeded my people limit. I can handle working at a desk and interacting with the people in front of said desk, but working with the other people working the desk, or conversing with several people that I don't know super well, and even people I do know well, stresses me out after a while. Everyone was bumping and banging around early Sunday morning, so I didn't get quite enough sleep, and I couldn't find a ride to church. Then there was the time working behind the desk; all the desk clerks got trained together, so I know pretty much everything that the other clerks know, so it drives me nuts when they give me instructions constantly, as if I'm so stupid I can't do it myself. Ugh. Then after being around people all day, I went to dinner with a large group of people and got seated with 3 that I don't easily get along with, and I felt like all they did was disagree with me the whole night (which isn't exactly true). I mean really, I think I know enough about humidity to know if I like it or not; just because you live in Houston does not mean that you have the monopoly on all humidity knowledge!!! All of this means that I felt like crying in the middle of dinner, and had to disappear [hide] for a few hours till I could calm down.

I think if I could tell when I'm getting overloaded and figure out a good release, I would be fine; it's just that I don't have that down yet. Some people put me in a good mood almost all the time, but none of them are here yet, so I'm on my own for that. And I feel left out when I disappear, but if I don't disappear, I go crazy. I think I should just buy a tropical island and go live there, preferably one with a mountain; I'm thinking Swiss Family Robinson style. That way I'd have a beach and a mountain, it would be hot and humid (or at least not ever cold), I wouldn't have to deal with people, and I wouldn't know what was happening outside the island so I wouldn't feel left out. (I am now accepting donations to the I-Need-A-Private-Island Fund). I could also invite close friends and family to come visit if I felt like it, because if I have the money to buy the island I can prolly find a way to pay for air fare or boat rides!

But I do enjoy meeting all the new students and seeing the returning students, because there are a lot of great people! I just wish I was better at handling them [myself], so that I don't go crazy afterwards.

So now that I've said the same thing 12.378 different ways, I think I feel a little better.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." – Dr. Seuss

I need to plaster that quote all over my dorm room this year.

So I've come to my last day working in the STEM Center, and I'm kinda feeling sad about it! The two ladies that I've spent most of my time with are just lovely, and I will miss them quite a bit! Here's hoping I can work here next summer :)

I've just about come to the end of my summer at home, as well. Thursday I'll head back to school to train for my new job, just in time to melt in the 110+ degree heat up there, and then class will be starting before I even know it! Honestly, if I could have my perfect world, I'd be able to go to school and live close to home, but alas I can not, so I'll just have to be brave and deal with it. I am excited to see all my friends again, though, it's been far too long and I miss them dreadfully! Sheesh, I feel like all I ever do is miss people :/ that's what I get for going to school in a different state! Tonight, however, is a celebration! Since I won't be home for my birthday next week, we're celebrating tonight. Even my brother is leaving his mission stay (not a trip, they're staying in town) to come, and that's saying something!

Well, this has been an thoroughly sappy post so far :P In other news, last week was our family trip to Florida, and it was magnificent! Four, yes, FOUR days on the beach, including a boat ride, a trip to the Naval Air Museum, and one night camping on the beach with my dad! Not to mention time to spend with extended family that I don't get to see too often. The best news? I only got a very light sunburn, and that's truly impressive for one as white as I am. I'll have to post some pictures of Florida when I get the chance, because I took some very lovely ones; but it may be the weekend before I get around to it, what with moving states and jobs and all.

Now, for your entertainment update: Peter Jackson has officially announced that The Hobbit is now a trilogy!! You have no idea how excited I am for these three movies. Currently I'm re-reading The Hobbit, and then I'm going to start in on the LotR appendixes, and if I get really motivated, I'll read the Unfinished Tales or Book of Lost Tales. I might even make my, ahem...5th...attempt to read the Silmarillion.. I might even finish this time! But regardless, Jackson did such a fine job with the LotR, I'm quite confident that he can muster up 3 more good movies!

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Summer Fun, and other Nonsense

My Xyloband
Sitting here on a nice rainy day keeping my promise to post about what I've done for fun this summer :) Possibly the most exciting thing was going to see Coldplay (one of my favorite bands) live a few weeks ago! I wasn't planning on going, but the day before things worked out and I got to go with my Dad and brother, plus a bunch of my brother's friends. It was a fabulous concert! They did everything expected of them, such as play everyone's favorite songs, but the coolest thing they did was pass out wristbands called Xylobands to everyone that lit up in time to some of their songs. It was an incredible effect, because every person from the floor to the roof (I was part of the roof crowd) had one, so the whole room was sparkling! On the whole it was a ton of fun :)

I've also had some amazing time with friends this summer. Since my parents own a bed and breakfast, we can put up a lot of extra people, so I had four friends come stay a weekend with us, which was amazing fun :) I'm so looking forward to being back at school with them for another year!

All the Xylobands lit up!

I also got the chance to go on the annual camping trip with my brother and our two friends. This year we went to Lake Hugo to camp, play cards, swim, etc. Basically everything went smoothly, except that it took us about an hour and a half to find the actual campsite (I will accept the blame for getting faulty directions) and one of our loaves of stromboli (pizza stuffed bread) got soaked by a bag of ice (again, I will accept the blame for accidentally leaving the bag of ice on top of the bread). But no one got hurt or sunburnt, we had a nice, private spot to pitch the tent, and it wasn't so miserably hot this time!

The last thing we've got planned this summer is a vacation to visit family in Florida, and I am super pumped to spend time on the beach! Sadly, my sister is lame and went to Germany for the summer, so for the first time in my life I'll have to brave the beach without her. Gah. I'll probably bring a bunch of art stuff to work on, since it'll be my last chance before school to do anything like that. So, here's prepping for a week of sand[rashes] and sun[burns]!

Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Air is Wet..

So said my 13 year old cousin from New Mexico. The average humidity she's used to is prolly around 6%, whereas here we have an average humidity closer to 60%. (That's your fun fact of the day!)

 So it's been a while, but then, when have I ever been consistent? This summer has been wonderful so far! I did finally start an Etsy store, The Wire Peacock, and I'm working to get my feet off the ground ;) Jewelry is just such an over-saturated market that it is hard to make a space for myself, so I'm workin' on finding ways to be found.

Wire Knot Baltic Amber Gemstone Dangle Chandelier Earrings
I also managed to snag a job last month! After applying everywhere around town, even resorting to restaurants and calling centers with no luck, I was recommended for an office-type job at the university which has worked out splendidly! I have such wonderful people to work with, everyone is just about as kind and gracious as you can imagine, and it's very low stress. I think the best thing about the job is probably the fact that I get a faculty/staff parking permit, my own desk, my own computer, my own phone, and my own e-mail! Silly, I know, but I feel very special parking in the forbidden faculty/staff lots and answering my business phone ;) This next week the center that I am working for is hosting a math and science camp for middle school kids, so I think I'm in for a long week :P But it should be fun!

The Bathroom (in-progress)
In other news, mostly all I've done is work around the house and help with the Hardeman House Bed and Breakfast. I've been tasked with remodeling our half bathroom using a movie theme. I've finished all the painting, and I was even brave enough to paint some of it solid black, despite the total lack of windows or skylights. So now I'm on to figuring out the decorations. We've got several mini "movie posters" we cut from the front of old VHS boxes, and I want to find some old movie paraphernalia such as movie reels and cameras. I also think it'd be fun to make some fake movie props, like ruby slippers and light sabers, that could be put up around the room. My Dad is also looking at incorporating some SUPER ancient movie history. Our house was build in 1892, around the same time that Thomas Eddison started making the first moving pictures for public viewing. You can watch this one up above, the Blacksmith Scene, and then you can read about it on Wikipedia here (I know, I know, not the MOST reliable source available). It would be super fun to have a way to play this and other clips in the bathroom, but I haven't been about to find a digital frame that plays movies in addition to a .jpeg slideshow, so we might have to settle for a print from the clip.

I have also done some fun things this summer, but I think I'll come back and post about those later, since this one is so long! But don't worry, THIS time, later means tonight or tomorrow :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

College, Spring 2012

Posting every 5 months is an acceptable amount of blogging, right? OK you may not want to hold your breath waiting for the next post, but I'm OK with that. Maybe I should just resign myself to only posting once I finish a semester, that way there's no pressure while all the interesting portions of my life are happening ;)

This last semester really was fun, though! I had a nutty class schedule, though, because I was in 3 studio classes, which means I was in the classroom about 27hrs per week, not counting homework/project time. So without a job or other commitments, I had roughly 50hrs a week used up. But I really liked all my classes, none of them were boring and most of them were pretty easy, provided I did the work on time. Except, of course, for the 1000 level honors seminar that I though would be an easy 3-hr credit full of reading fun books. No no, this one turned out to be the most challenging class I've taken so far, and I almost got my first B because I bombed the first paper (it had been a few days since I'd last slept when I wrote the paper at 3AM the night before :P). But my teacher liked me, and I did fine with the rest of the class so I managed to squeak out an A.

The class was really interesting, though! The subject was Magic Ring Allegories, so basically we read every significant text that had a magic ring involved starting with Plato's Republic right down to the Green Lantern: Secret Origins. Fun, you think? Technically, yes, but the 2hr essay test final covering all 8 texts (assuming you count the whole of Wagner as one and the LotR trilogy as one) almost killed me. But hey, I never would have read a comic book if not for this class, and I actually enjoyed it, so that's a plus!

Overall, my 3D foundations class was my favorite, because we got to solder and build a chair! Basically, we made 3 of the most beastly projects ever, and got college credit for it. I enjoyed it so much and liked the projects I made so much, I think I'll share pictures of what I made! A mask made from baling wire, a plaster  relief sculpture cast from a mold I made, and a chair (I was only allowed 1 2x4, screws, and dowels to make the chair, nothing else).

I'm even more excited for next fall, because I get to take Jewelry and Metals I, so I'll be soldering and hammering the whole semester long! I also have a job at the front desk of my residence hall, so we'll see how my time-management skills measure up to the challenge.

In the meantime, I'm puttering around at home, looking for a job and attempting to launch an Etsy store. It's funny how after living with people my age for 9 months, there aren't really any people my age that I hang out with now; it's just been so long since I lived here that my growing up experiences are too different to just pick up where I left off with my old friends. I still like them, and we're still friends, it's just that we don't have any strong ties to keep us close. Such is life, and I will just have to practice my long distance relationships with the girls from my hall, and wait for next fall!