Saturday, July 07, 2012

The Air is Wet..

So said my 13 year old cousin from New Mexico. The average humidity she's used to is prolly around 6%, whereas here we have an average humidity closer to 60%. (That's your fun fact of the day!)

 So it's been a while, but then, when have I ever been consistent? This summer has been wonderful so far! I did finally start an Etsy store, The Wire Peacock, and I'm working to get my feet off the ground ;) Jewelry is just such an over-saturated market that it is hard to make a space for myself, so I'm workin' on finding ways to be found.

Wire Knot Baltic Amber Gemstone Dangle Chandelier Earrings
I also managed to snag a job last month! After applying everywhere around town, even resorting to restaurants and calling centers with no luck, I was recommended for an office-type job at the university which has worked out splendidly! I have such wonderful people to work with, everyone is just about as kind and gracious as you can imagine, and it's very low stress. I think the best thing about the job is probably the fact that I get a faculty/staff parking permit, my own desk, my own computer, my own phone, and my own e-mail! Silly, I know, but I feel very special parking in the forbidden faculty/staff lots and answering my business phone ;) This next week the center that I am working for is hosting a math and science camp for middle school kids, so I think I'm in for a long week :P But it should be fun!

The Bathroom (in-progress)
In other news, mostly all I've done is work around the house and help with the Hardeman House Bed and Breakfast. I've been tasked with remodeling our half bathroom using a movie theme. I've finished all the painting, and I was even brave enough to paint some of it solid black, despite the total lack of windows or skylights. So now I'm on to figuring out the decorations. We've got several mini "movie posters" we cut from the front of old VHS boxes, and I want to find some old movie paraphernalia such as movie reels and cameras. I also think it'd be fun to make some fake movie props, like ruby slippers and light sabers, that could be put up around the room. My Dad is also looking at incorporating some SUPER ancient movie history. Our house was build in 1892, around the same time that Thomas Eddison started making the first moving pictures for public viewing. You can watch this one up above, the Blacksmith Scene, and then you can read about it on Wikipedia here (I know, I know, not the MOST reliable source available). It would be super fun to have a way to play this and other clips in the bathroom, but I haven't been about to find a digital frame that plays movies in addition to a .jpeg slideshow, so we might have to settle for a print from the clip.

I have also done some fun things this summer, but I think I'll come back and post about those later, since this one is so long! But don't worry, THIS time, later means tonight or tomorrow :)

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