Friday, June 29, 2007


So you'll never guess what has happened every day for 17 days! It has rained every day for 17 days! The record used to be 14 days in a row from way back in 1937, ending the dust bowl. We broke that record Wednesday.

Thankfully there has been no tornado danger, just flooding problems. On Wednesday Sam Champion from Good Morning America was here to talk about the flooding. You can read the story they featured here.

I am ready for it to stop raining! It has rained almost all day and it's still going strong. I took these pictures about 20 minutes ago.

As you can see it's been raining really hard here.
That, <-- is our street :O

This is a video that jc found the other day and it made me laugh so I thought I'd post it. Don't worry though, I'm not going to start posting a video every time like jc does!


**edit** I'm posting this pic so I can put it on my profile, that is all.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Guitar, Blackberrys and Rain

Well hello everyone, that is, everyone left. No one is really around these days. Except for Specter and jc (even though jc ''forgets'' to read my blog) and I.

Last Saturday was the most exciting day--the good kind of exciting that is-- I've had in about a week. I got to sleep in about an hour without getting in trouble and the I also got clean up after breakfast. yay. After we finished cleaning up I was sitting at the computer doing nothing productive when I noticed that it had gotten strangely quiet and sort of deserted looking in the main parts of the house.

Then, a voice from the distance calling to me. It was mom. So I go see what she needs and everyone is in there just looking at me. And Nathaniel has a video camera. Their all just staring at me. After a few seconds of akward silence Dad tells me to look behind the door.

THEY GOT ME A GUITAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have wanted to learn to how play for several years but since we didn't have a guitar I had to learn how to play the piano instead. I doubt they'll let me stop playing the piano but hey, I can finally learn how to play the guitar! I'm very excited (as if you can't tell). I have been trying to play some chords on the guitar and I have managed to play some but it is harder then I expected. It hurts to play some of the chords. Oh well, I am determined to learn how to play, no matter how much it hurts at first.

We also went blackberry picking Saturday. It was very prickally. But it was worth it. I have never seen such big blackberries! I picked one that had to be at least 2 inches long! We picked for about 2 ta 3 hours and we picked a lot. I must admit though, I like the taste of dewberries better.

And, you'll never guess, it rained Saturday and Sunday, even though on Saturday the sun never stopped shining, which is to say that the clouds didn't block out the sun at all so it was bright and sunny outside, all the while it was pouring rain!


Friday, June 22, 2007


I guess it's been awhile hasn't it. I have had a busy week although nothing terribly noteworthy has happened i a while besides the fact that we saw some friends the other day that I haven't seen in a really long time. Aso, our grandparents were here last week from fLORIDA.

sO THIS WEEK was VBS at our church and if you cant tell from my typing , I'm worn out. Wednesday I had a ffirend over for the day and she is the second friend that I'v had over to our house. Wait, no, she is the third friend i've had over.

I should get off now, i have some school to do and then we might go to the sstor so I need to end this post.


Thursday, June 14, 2007


So as you can see, I decided not to post about the luau because I didn't feel like it. It was rainy at the party but we swam anyways. We also had a reverse limbo contest. Instead of going under the rope we jumped off the diving board and went over the rope. Of course I was the first one to get out : (

They also had a distance contest to see who could jump the farthest (they had a rope to jump over) but I didn't enter that contest. They played old music the whole time and I surprised myself by knowing a lot of the songs they played. At the end of the party, when it was just about dark, there were hundreds of fireflys all twinkling in the yard. I haven't seen that many fireflys ever, it was really pretty : )

It has been hot and icky here lately but today it cooled off and has been raining again. And I thought it wouldn't rain here... Well, I should probably get off now.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

Just a little longer

So I'm finally back (again) and I am posting. However, there is going to be a luau for the high schoolers tonight so I will probably add on to this post tomorrow. So...what has happened since my last post...oh yes! Camp! Last Saturday I went to church camp! It was SO fun! I had the best time I've ever had at a camp.

Since I am now considered a freshman (yes! I'm finally in high school!)I got to go on the "float trip" at camp. Monday all the freshman went down to a river and we got rafts (big enough for 6 people) and we "floated" down the river for about an hour. It was fun except it was really short and some crazy boys kept trying to flip our raft and they made me really mad.

At the camp there was a ropes course and each day we did an "element" every day (an element is one part of the course). I think our small group got the hardest elements. We had to climb the "Jacobs Ladder" and it was really hard. If you were standing on a wrung, the next one was at eye level and the ladder was only attached at the top so it was swinging the whole time. Not a good combination for me. To say it nicely, I am not very athletic and I only made it up to the second wrung.

Our other high ropes element (there was also a little ropes course that was much easier) was the rock climbing. It wasn't real rocks, just a really tall wooden platform (just a little shorter then a two story house) attached to a really tall tree with blocks of wood and plastic handhold thingys. Well, since I didn't compleat the Jacobs Ladder I was determined to climb all the way up the "rocks". So the first time I tried I made it halfway up. I couldn't get a hand hold though so I came down. Then, after everyone else had gone I went again and got about 2/3 of the way up and again, I couldn't get a handhold. I was stuck for probably 5 or 6 min. trying to get up. I kept slipping and falling off (I was attached to a rope, don't worry) and finally I just had to come down.

Unfortunately While trying to climb up I pulled the skin off my left hand and boy it hurt! It still hasn't healed. I also got really soar because the camp had so many huge steep hills that I had to climb up and down all day long. Well, I need to get off so I'll end this post.
