Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well, I am finally posting again. I had switched over to beta and because of some slight confusion I haven't been able to sign in until now. Well, a lot has happened since I last posted. If you have been reading jcp's blog you know that we are now trying to get moved in to our new house in a new town. A lot has happened since we have been here. On Sunday our car broke down at the Fearings house and we had to borrow their car to get up here so we didn't arrive until 2:00 a.m. I sliced my thumb open on Monday. On Tuesday we lost our water. On Wednesday we went to our new church for the first time. On Thursday we got our water back and Friday night turned out to be quite interesting. I was peacefully sleeping and dreaming, well, I can't remember what I was dreaming but that doesn't matter. At about 4:00 a.m. I heard this big crash! Of course the first thing that pops into my head is that someone threw a rock through our window and I was waiting for the culprit to crawl through the broken window. To make matters worse I was the only one awake. Well, after a few minutes of silence I woke jcp up and we discovered that a CD shelf that had some dolls and glass decorations on it had fallen over on top of a picture frame and the glass had broke and made a really loud noise. Now, if I had been fully awake and thinking strait I would have realized that a burglar wouldn't have made that much noise but at the time I didn't think about that. Today we get to clean up and arrange our new house. Well, that was our week. Be glad it wasn't yours.