Friday, August 31, 2007

Weekend trip!

Well, were headed off to my cousins wedding tomorrow morning (she lives out of state), I will post when we get back! Wow, this is the shortest post I've ever typed!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

1/2 plus 8 :D

Last Saturday our church had a mission outreach day. All the youth went to a place called the Infant Crisis Center which is a place people can go when they need help taking care of their babies and/or toddlers. I was assigned to package diapers. I and the 3 other people working at my table packaged around 2000 diapers in about 2 hours! What we had to do was take the diapers out of their original package and put a certain number into a plastic sack. We were supposed to get as much air out of the bags as possible but I was the only person who figured out how to do that. I was very tired of diapers by the end of the workday.

While we were working the subject turned to dating (imagine that). The pastor that was working with us shared his opinion of what the ages of the two parties involved in a date should be. He said that the youngest girl a guy should date should be half his age plus 8. For example:

Lets say the boy in question is 18. Take his age and divide it in half and you get 9. Add 8 to 9 and you get 17. So 17 is the youngest that a girl he dates can be. I thought that it was a funny way to determine the age of whoever you date!

Now, to end my post, I thought I would type up a clip from one of my favorite books. However, to get the full efect of what this says, you MUST read it out loud:

A clip from

Fox in Sox:*

Bim comes.
Ben comes.
Bim brings Ben broom.
Ben brings Bim broom.

Ben bends Bim's broom.
Bim bends Ben's broom.
Bim's bends.
Ben's bends.
Ben's bent broom breaks.
Bim's bent broom breaks.

Ben's band. Bim's band.
Big bands. Pig bands.

Bim and Ben lead
bands with brooms.
Ben's band bangs
and Bim's band booms.

(Mr. Knox)
Pig band! Boom band!
Big band! Broom band!
My poor mouth can't
say that. No, sir.
My poor mouth is
much to slow, sir.

Well then...
bring your mouth this way.
I'll find it something
it can say.


*If you would like to read the compleat story of Fox in Sox, you will most likely find this tongue twisting book at your local library in the children's section.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Home again

Hello, Hello! We're back from our weekend trip to New Mexico for my cousins 4th birthday! Happy Birthday Samantha! It was good trip and we got to see my grandparents, my cousins, my aunt and uncle and my great grandma. However the hotel's pool water had so much chlorine in it that it burned your eyes just sitting next to the pool! (that was sorta random, I know)

The scenery was, of coarse, just beautiful! Unfortunately we didn't see much on the way up there because we didn't leave our house till about 6 pm! On the return trip though, we got to see plenty. The car trip up wasn't much fun. It was cramped and dark most of the way and with 2 little ones you can just imagine what that was like. The car trip home was much more comfortable because dad drove a different car home (we got our great grandmothers old car) so there was an extra seat. However, dad had much different trip home.

Since he had to be back in time for church on Sunday he left Saturday afternoon. Well, on the way home the alternator in his car quit working so the battery rand down. And on top of the car troubles it was raining cats and dogs and the roads were flooded because of hurricane Erin! And we thought we were safe from hurricanes up here! So he had to wait out the storm and while doing so he missed church. Thankfully he was able to fix the car and got home Sunday.

Well, I must get back to school, so I will have to go.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Last night we went to go see a Redhawks baseball game. I have been to minor league games before but they don't really count because I was to little to remember them. It was a lot of fun. The Redhawks (the home team) played the Memphis Redbirds. Jc said said that Redbirds wasn't a very manly name.

Anywayz, we had enough tickets to invite some friends so we had a lot of fun. During the national anthem there were cameras scanning the crowd and we were on the screen at the very end.

On the Redbirds there were several left-handed hitters and one fouled the ball into our stand twice in a row! It was quite funny when the same lady let out the same terrified shriek both times!

Because we had little ones and because we wanted to stop for some ice-cream after the game we didn't stay for the whole game, we left about a half an inning early. I don't know how the game ended but when we left the Redbirds had one point (they got that in the first inning) and the Redhawks had zero. It was a pretty slow game, but it was fun.

Well, I don't have much else to say so I will end this post.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Sunday was happy day for me because it was my birthday! At youth that night I (and 4 other people) were recognized and then almost squashed to death because my youth minister had everyone else get a running start and give us a hug!

That night I opened presents and got some lovely beads and buttons from my family for making jewelry. My grandparents got me High school Musical, a scarf with fringe and the very necessary birthday shirt.

Yesterday mom made me an incredible chocolate cake with chocolate glaze and filling! She even got a flower from the garden to put on top! It was really yummy! It was also the cake I had picked out a few months ago to have!

We also went out to eat at one of my favorite places, Red Lobster! We never get to go there because Dad and Nat don't like seafood. I had shrimp and it was really good!

Well, I need to get off now, I have lots to do so I will have to close this post!


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Fish tales, fish tales, fish tales are stories that seem to good to be true!

So this last week Sunday through Wednesday our church had a musical camp for kids going into 1st-5th grades. And since my parents were running the camp, I was of course drafted. It was kinda like VBS except it was from 9:00 to 2:00 so it was a lot longer. The kids learned how to play orf instruments and how to play hand chimes while learning a musical called Fish tales. I will be singing the songs for weeks.

I got to help teach the kids how to play hand chimes. I thought that it would be relatively easy because we only had about 10 to 20 kids in each group and we only had each group for 30 min. Boy was I wrong! Getting the kids to listen instead of talking and dinging the chimes was next to impossible! The funny thing was that the older kids were the most difficult! The younger kids mostly did what we asked them to, whereas the older ones wouldn't do anything you asked them to!

I'm done complaining now.

I was amazed at how well the performance went! The kids learned the songs and the hand motions and the lead parts learned there lines and the whole production went off almost perfectly! Some of the soloists bobbled because they were nervous but other then that it was great! I am so glad the whole thing is over!

Last night we had youth and I played volleyball. I was terrible! And the worst part was that every time I made a mistake (which was quite often) jc complained at me! Even so I had a lot of fun being terrible! Well, I have to go now!
