Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Crazieness and halloween

Yesterday was nuts. Almost as soon as I woke up I had to start working on my paper that was due in a matter of hours. Just like I didn't plan on working on my paper on Saturday, I didn't exactly plan on working on it the day it was due. It was all written, it just wasn't perfected or printed and the pictures weren't ready at all! As you can imagine, I was a little stressed and I think I aggravated mom by asking her to go faster (she was going slower then I would have liked). I spent the the whole morning working on it with mom and, thankfully we got it finished up! Yesterday was also yearbook picture-day and so that only added to the stress that was already there! However, I got the paper turned in, I was not late to class (although a few seconds later and I would have been) and Jc and I got our pictures made. Now, will my picture turns out good? Probably not, they never do.

So, tomorrow is halloween, that dreaded holiday. I used to think halloween was just where you put on a tu-tu and went to church to play games and get free candy. Now, I really don't like halloween at all. I really dislike trick-or-treating too, on both ends. I never liked knocking on peoples doors and asking for candy (I've only been once), and I never like opening the door to give people candy. Especially when it gets late and all the weird high-schoolers come out with their creepy costumes. Last Sunday my youth minister asked who was going trick-or-treating and if so, what their costume was going to be. One boy said he was going to be Ballerina-Man and wear a tu-tu with a cape! I don't think I would answer the door if I saw him standing on the front porch! If you want a good reason to dislike halloween, research its origins. They are not good at all.

Well, I need to get off now, have a happy week!


Saturday, October 27, 2007

I suppose I should post again but I don't know what to post about......thinking......thinking... Well as jc said, we went to a yearbook meeting last Thursday. Yesterday was our church's fall festival and Libba of course wanted to go to that. So we all went down and I ended up working at the bake sale for an hour or so. After that I stood at the door and passed out bags of candy to everyone leaving (a very difficult job ;)

Today I have to finish writing my essay on the Cherokee Indians. I am not very far along in the writing so I certainly have my work cut out for me. So in light of that last sentence, I had better go!


Monday, October 22, 2007


I am in a good mood right now. I found out today from my history teacher that except for the paper I am currently working on I only have one more English comp. assignment till after Christmas! I am very excited about that. Today it is very cold and rainy. I forgot my jacket because I was almost late to class and almost froze because of it!

After a shopping trip I was talking to Nat and during the conversation he happened to look outside and see a skunk! It was waddling around in the grass, occasionally shaking off the rain. I have never seen a skunk so it was something new for me!

So last Thursday we were supposed to go on a retreat with our church over fall break (by the way, have you ever heard of fall break?). Unfortunately there weren't enough people so they just had a Friday lock-in. It was a lot of fun despite the fact that while we were playing Sardines in-a-can at 3 in the morning one of the collage kids was assigned to jump out at us on our way inside and when he did I was so scared that I screamed at the top of my lungs and punched him (he wasn't hurt)! Also one of the high school boys kept on jumping out at me and grabbing my ankle and locking me in dark rooms so that I was crying before long (I scare VERY easy) and even then he didn't stop! I was and still am very mad at him.

Well, I have some work to do for that paper I am working on so I must go!


Monday, October 15, 2007

Back Again!

Originaly I was going to post a long, day by day story of our trip but I think I will just upload a few pictures instead.

We had lots of time to relax.

We also spent lots of time outdoors!

Our visit to the Thorncrown Chaple was very peaceful.

Libba found some four leaf clovers!

While driving through a battle sit memorial we saw a deer in the woods right beside us. It posed for the picture.

We had lots of help setting up our tent in Tahlequah!

I watched the sun rise Saturday morning (a very rare event for me).

We took a tour of an Cherokee village recreation.

We had lots of fun!

That's all Folks!


Sunday, October 07, 2007

We're leaving on a trip in a few minutes so I won't post again for a week or so. Have a good week!
