Monday, November 24, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Math and Thanksgiving

That Cleptomaniac video is going to be removed. It comes on automatically and it is really starting to annoy me.

Anywho, I have found it increasingly difficult to come up things to post and when I do, I often forget to post them. I think this probably has something to do with the fact that I haven't spent as much time on blogs. I found something to post though. I love creative math, and this is just the sort of thing I would do if I didn't know better!

I wish math were really that simple. When you throw in significant figures and pi and fractions and x's I get frustrated.

So, last night at sectionals for choir (where just the girls practice) our choir director decided that we had done so well we deserved another song to learn. Great. Now we get to sing a song with the elementary choir. We also get to sing a song with middle school and elementary called Paint Christmas December, Paint December Christmas, Paint the town December.... Something of that sort. We will get to stand on stage and pretend that we are painting a wall while we're singing a cheesy song. Marvelous. I wish we didn't sound so good, maybe she wouldn't have us sing those songs.

This year our small group decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner together so tonight we will eat while we talk. It isn't going to be classic Thanksgiving food, but it will be lots of fun. Including our family Thanksgiving dinner I will have been to 4 such meals. One with our whole youth group, one with our choir and one at small group. Dad said that if the average person gains 4 pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I will have gained 16 pounds. I love you too Dad.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Well, it has been a miserable week for me. I was sick with a cold last Sunday-Wednesday and then got something with similar symptoms to the Flu early Saturday morning. I had left for a youth retreat Friday night and felt just fine but Saturday I woke up with an awful cramp, mainly in my shoulder. I ended up leaving early and the rest of the day and through late Sunday night I was really sick with a pretty high fever. However, I woke up feeling a lot better this morning.

Tomorrow we have a big choir concert with several other public school choirs. Supposedly there will be around 400 to 450 people singing! It should be fun just because of sheer numbers. But I also like most of the songs. There is one that uses the words from one of JFK's speeches that I don't like, simply because I don't like the words. Also because there is a part where the choir sings "Let the Word go forth" 18 times in a row, it gets really creepy sounding after about the 5th time. I am singing in a group of girls who have a part that we will sing over the choir on this part, but I still think it is creepy.

Last night it rained for the first time in a long time. I love the sound of rain. Last week I was supposed to turn in some mapwork for my history class but it fell out of my notebook before I put it in my bag and so mom had to ask that it not be counted as late work. I would have turned it in myself today but my teacher has sensitivity to illnesses so I had to send it with dad. Next week is the last day that my teacher will be there, she is going to be out the last few weeks so I need to be well next Monday for her last instructions.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bits and Pieces

So, it has been a while since I actually wrote a post. I guess it is just easier to use something that is already written. I feel like I have been terribly busy with school, but it's also possible that I am just suffering from bad time-management. Monday I had to turn in my big poster project for history. I was so glad I had it finished last Saturday so I didn't have to do anything on Sunday. I then had to complete another project and study for and take the 9 weeks test that isn't given at the 9 weeks point.

I also babysat all Wednesday night. The people had tickets to the first official Oklahoma City Thunder game. I had a good time though, the kids are the age of Libba and Phil so I was used to that age of kids. After Zander and Zella were asleep I watched tv (I know, but I was told I could). Have you ever watched the show Prototype This on Discovery? It is a cool show! On the one I watched in two weeks they built a car that could move directly sideways, park over other cars (completely automatically) and drive over other cars to escape traffic jams. The Trafficbuster. The wheels they found were the coolest part though. They are Airtrax wheels, I would suggest looking them up.

Last night we went to the Pops Oklahoma Philharmonic symphony. It was called Hitchkock and they showed clips from four Hitchkock movies, To Catch a Thief, Dial M for Murder, Strangers on a train and North by Northwest. However, the symphony played all the music. It was a really fun concert.

This afternoon we are going to another OU game to take tickets. The game doesn't even start till 7pm so it will be extremely late before we get home.
