Wednesday, May 30, 2007


So we're finally home! I am so tired from our trips that I didn't even dream last night! You'll never guess what happened yesterday so I'll tell you what happened.

My grandparents had brought a motor home and a pop-up trailer camping with them. So, on the way home my grandma drove their van in front while my grandpa drove the motor home with the trailer hooked to the back. Well, they were driving along and suddenly my grandpa heard a loud boom and so he pulled over to see what had happened. He saw flames in the engine and when he couldn't put them out he let their dog, Miky out and they took off running because they had just put gas in the motor home and plus there were two bottles of propane in the motor home.

Everything burned up. The motor home, the pop-up, all their clothes were burned, camping stoves and lanterns, 4 fishing poles, brand new tools, everything is gone. The car behind them called the police and then my grandpa called my grandma because she didn't know what had happened.

In about 20 min. the fire fighters were there and put out the fire which had also caught the grass on fire. Thankfully no one was hurt as far as I know. The Albuquerque news crew and helicopter came and the crash was on the news. If you want to see the story and watch the video, click here, the link will take you to the news website. I will try to post pictures if I can get some.

Well, besides the fact that that there was a huge fire, the camping trip was really fun. We went fishing in the Pecos river everyday but I never caught anything. However, by the end of the trip we had five rainbow trout so we grilled them for breakfast yesterday and they were SO good.

When we got home yesterday we had all sorts of surprises waiting for us. Dad got our pool ready to swim in and we are going to finally get to use it today. Yay! Also, he got his new tablet computer that he ordered for work and it is really neat. And, he is finally making my bed! I had wanted a loft bed since my room is pretty small and he is going to make it after he finishes my little sisters bed.

Whew! So much to tell and so little time to tell it! Oh yes, one more thing. Tuesday is jc's sweet sixteen so y'all wish her a happy birthday! We love you jc!


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Home at last!

Ahhhhhh! It feels so good to be out of the car again! We got back from putting the yearbook together a while ago and am I ever glad to be out of that car! In case you don't know, our family went back to nac to put together the yearbook and see friends. We stayed with the Reeses although I spent every night with someone different. We amazingly finished the yearbook Tuesday and so Wednesday we swam most of the afternoon. I really enjoyed swimming, it was a lot of fun! At first we were having what jc called "combat swimming" and then we just sat around and talked. What is combat swimming, you ask? It is where you try to push other people into the pool and not get pushed in yourself. It was mostly Nick and Nathanael against jc and I and Courtney, Kelsey and Gabby. It was quite fun, especially when Nick tried to push you in and you pushed him in instead (although that was a rare occurance for me;) Elizabeth and I got to put together the pages for the medival ball and I must say, as far as I could tell it turned out really good. There were plenty of pictures from the ball but unfortunately there were a lot of pictures of the same people and there were several dark pictures that we couldn't use. And you'll never guess what we found out when we got home! Due to a mix-up, my suitcase got left at the Reeses! Oh, well, I can get along without it because nothing essential was in the suitcase. Well, I really need to get off and finish packing for our camping trip to New Mexico that we are going on tomorrow. Boy, won't that be a fun car trip! -Ellentia

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Watermelons and eggshells ;)

So I guess I'll post more pictures since I found some really cool ones that my grandma sent us.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So I couldn't think of anything to post so I will post some pictures that I took that I think are kinda okay ;) So with out further ado, the pictures:

Monday, May 07, 2007

CATS! and Seussical Jr. and rain...

So Saturday we went to go see CATS! It was AWESOME! I absolutely LOVED it! I have wanted to see CATS! live for a long time so it was sooooo cool to see it live! Jc had heard that the Broadway CATS! was very different from the West End Theater's movie (the one that I have) but they were incredibly similar. Both the choreography and the costumes were very similar. Unfortunately one of my favorite scenes from the movie was not in the show but there was a scene in the show that wasn't in the movie.

Yesterday we went to see the Seussical Jr. performed by a local children's theater. It was great! It was so funny watching another theater perform it because jc and I were in it last summer at a different theater. After the first number I thought oh no, this is going to be a disaster, but it was actually quite good! I think that my favorite characters were the Wickersham brothers, Mayzie and the Cat-in-the-Hat. They were all very good at their parts.

In other news not much is going on around here



We were or are (I'm not sure which) under a flood watch. And I thought it wasn't going to rain as much up here. The only problem is that with rain comes severe weather and with severe weather comes tornadoes. In Nac a lot of rain in the spring meant it would be reeeally humid. Up here a lot of rain in the spring means a possibility of tornadoes. Fun.

Well I need to get off now but before I close: when jc posts a quiz, everybody takes it! When I posted a quiz, nobody took it! Whats up? ;)


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Frisbee golf (and other happenings) (and now Cats and Seussical Jr.)

Ahhh! The end of a long week! Last Tuesday our grandparents came up for a choir concert. The concert went well although I almost lost a most beloved (and valuable) mirror. Thursday we went to the Cowboy Museum and played some frisbee golf. Saturday we went to the arts festival and I saw some absolutely gorgeous jewelry! To read more about the festival, jc posted about it so you can read her post.

Sunday we went to church and watched Americas Funniest Home Videos.

Monday we played More frisbee golf and had a few adventures on this one particular hole. It was a tricky hole to play because it went over a small creek and had one small path cut through a big group of trees. So my grandpa went to throw but right as he let go he slipped and fell! It was like something you'd see on Americas Funniest home Videos! Then, my grandpa saw something on the bank on the creek (it turned out to be a frisbee) and then when he went to get it he couldn't get back up! I almost died laughing! But unfortunately my laughter was silenced.

As we were going towards the next hole I decided to try a different path then everyone else that ran parallel with the one they were on. Then I made the mistake of trying to cut across to the other path. Big mistake. As I was about halfway over I looked down just as I was taking a step and came within a 1/4 of an inch of stepping on this snake that was bout the biggest snake I've seen outside of a zoo! I screamed louder then I have screamed in a long time. But d'ya know what really got me? Afterwards my grandpa asked me what the head of the snake looked like and was surprised that I forgot to look! Anyways.

I found this cool test that is really funny! To take it click on this link. I am 86% Dixie! Haha!


WE ARE GOING TO SEE CATS! Mom got jc and I tickets to go see Broadways traveling Cats production this Saturday! I have the movie but I haven't ever seen the play! But wait! Theres more! Sunday we are going to see a local theater perform the Seussical Jr.! Ordinarily that wouldn't be so exciting but this last summer jc and I were in the Seussical! It will be interesting to see how they do it differently!