Friday, September 18, 2009

So, this year, everything has been rather crazy. I am feeling far behind in school, although so far I am doing okay. I just have a lot to do. Tuesday, I went to an ACT workshop, by a guy named Chad Cargil. He is an interesting person, and he had lots of great information. I now just have to figure out how to use it all.

Yesterday the state fair started, and the admission was only a dollar so we decided to go. It was absolutely crazy! It had rained all night Wednesday, so I was hoping that there wouldn't be so many people there, but alas, it was quite full. Mostly, we just walked through the seemingly endless arts and crafts exhibits. They have everything from pumpkin dressing contests to photography to duct tape creations! I entered a few things and one of my photos got 8th place, which is a real accomplishment because I was competing with my little point and shoot with adults who have fancy Nikon and Cannons. I also entered a jewelry set, hair comb set, a drawing and several other photos. My drawing and other photos didn't get anything, but my jewelry got first and my combs got second. I am very happy.

This next Sunday, the girls in our youth group are starting a "mentor" program, which means thay 2 or 3 highschool girls will lead 3 or 4 middle school girls in a small group every Sunday. I am SO excited! I have been totally pumped about this ever since I heard about it. We have our group assignments and from the looks of things, we will have a nutty group. But, I am looking forward to getting to know the girls better.

I ought to go now, as I said earlier, I have lots of things to do, so, goodbye for now.
