Tuesday, July 31, 2012

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." – Dr. Seuss

I need to plaster that quote all over my dorm room this year.

So I've come to my last day working in the STEM Center, and I'm kinda feeling sad about it! The two ladies that I've spent most of my time with are just lovely, and I will miss them quite a bit! Here's hoping I can work here next summer :)

I've just about come to the end of my summer at home, as well. Thursday I'll head back to school to train for my new job, just in time to melt in the 110+ degree heat up there, and then class will be starting before I even know it! Honestly, if I could have my perfect world, I'd be able to go to school and live close to home, but alas I can not, so I'll just have to be brave and deal with it. I am excited to see all my friends again, though, it's been far too long and I miss them dreadfully! Sheesh, I feel like all I ever do is miss people :/ that's what I get for going to school in a different state! Tonight, however, is a celebration! Since I won't be home for my birthday next week, we're celebrating tonight. Even my brother is leaving his mission stay (not a trip, they're staying in town) to come, and that's saying something!

Well, this has been an thoroughly sappy post so far :P In other news, last week was our family trip to Florida, and it was magnificent! Four, yes, FOUR days on the beach, including a boat ride, a trip to the Naval Air Museum, and one night camping on the beach with my dad! Not to mention time to spend with extended family that I don't get to see too often. The best news? I only got a very light sunburn, and that's truly impressive for one as white as I am. I'll have to post some pictures of Florida when I get the chance, because I took some very lovely ones; but it may be the weekend before I get around to it, what with moving states and jobs and all.

Now, for your entertainment update: Peter Jackson has officially announced that The Hobbit is now a trilogy!! You have no idea how excited I am for these three movies. Currently I'm re-reading The Hobbit, and then I'm going to start in on the LotR appendixes, and if I get really motivated, I'll read the Unfinished Tales or Book of Lost Tales. I might even make my, ahem...5th...attempt to read the Silmarillion.. I might even finish this time! But regardless, Jackson did such a fine job with the LotR, I'm quite confident that he can muster up 3 more good movies!

1 comment:

Petr said...

Try not to lose the fun of being with people by thinking of when they're not present!
(plus they start wondering why you're staring off into space with a funny look on your face...) :P