Thursday, May 24, 2012

College, Spring 2012

Posting every 5 months is an acceptable amount of blogging, right? OK you may not want to hold your breath waiting for the next post, but I'm OK with that. Maybe I should just resign myself to only posting once I finish a semester, that way there's no pressure while all the interesting portions of my life are happening ;)

This last semester really was fun, though! I had a nutty class schedule, though, because I was in 3 studio classes, which means I was in the classroom about 27hrs per week, not counting homework/project time. So without a job or other commitments, I had roughly 50hrs a week used up. But I really liked all my classes, none of them were boring and most of them were pretty easy, provided I did the work on time. Except, of course, for the 1000 level honors seminar that I though would be an easy 3-hr credit full of reading fun books. No no, this one turned out to be the most challenging class I've taken so far, and I almost got my first B because I bombed the first paper (it had been a few days since I'd last slept when I wrote the paper at 3AM the night before :P). But my teacher liked me, and I did fine with the rest of the class so I managed to squeak out an A.

The class was really interesting, though! The subject was Magic Ring Allegories, so basically we read every significant text that had a magic ring involved starting with Plato's Republic right down to the Green Lantern: Secret Origins. Fun, you think? Technically, yes, but the 2hr essay test final covering all 8 texts (assuming you count the whole of Wagner as one and the LotR trilogy as one) almost killed me. But hey, I never would have read a comic book if not for this class, and I actually enjoyed it, so that's a plus!

Overall, my 3D foundations class was my favorite, because we got to solder and build a chair! Basically, we made 3 of the most beastly projects ever, and got college credit for it. I enjoyed it so much and liked the projects I made so much, I think I'll share pictures of what I made! A mask made from baling wire, a plaster  relief sculpture cast from a mold I made, and a chair (I was only allowed 1 2x4, screws, and dowels to make the chair, nothing else).

I'm even more excited for next fall, because I get to take Jewelry and Metals I, so I'll be soldering and hammering the whole semester long! I also have a job at the front desk of my residence hall, so we'll see how my time-management skills measure up to the challenge.

In the meantime, I'm puttering around at home, looking for a job and attempting to launch an Etsy store. It's funny how after living with people my age for 9 months, there aren't really any people my age that I hang out with now; it's just been so long since I lived here that my growing up experiences are too different to just pick up where I left off with my old friends. I still like them, and we're still friends, it's just that we don't have any strong ties to keep us close. Such is life, and I will just have to practice my long distance relationships with the girls from my hall, and wait for next fall!


Petr said...

Hey, only five months, not bad :)

There's some fun stuff for classes! It wouldn't be a hard call to skip the 2 hour essay though...

Ellentia said...

Yeah, the essay was worth about 1/4 of my grade, and I had to get an A or a B in the class for the class to count for anything, so that wasn't an option :/