Saturday, October 10, 2009

I realize, some of you may think I have fallen off the face of the earth, as I am not usually this inconsistent, but rest assured, I am fine. Just very busy (and I have a facebook now, so that takes some of my time too). School is taking so much of my life, I have the PSAT and the ACT to study for (PSAT is next Wednesday), and I am working on two math programs and two science programs. One each of the math and sciences will be done soon, so I will have more time next month (hopefully).

Right now, we have my grandparents and two cousins visiting, in honor of it being 1 year since my grandpa's heart attack. He is doing fantastic! Since we have family in town, Jc also came to stay for the weekend. I hadn't seen her in several weeks, so I was glad she finally came home yesterday. She had to work today, so she drove all the way back to Norman, and she will be coming back here tonight. That is a lot of driving.

So, I am going to have another jewelry booth next month! Our church has a craft fair every year, and I get to go this year! I am very excited about it. I am going to have to work hard to get it all ready though. I need to get a State Tax ID Number, so that I can be really official (and order from wholesalers). I am not looking forward to the paperwork, but since this is what I want to do for the rest of my life, I should probably get some experience.

Today, I went to a class meeting. There are enough homeschoolers in the metro to have several graduation ceremonies, one of which usually has upwards of 30 or 40 kids from around the state, which is the one I am planning on graduating with, and it's the one Jc graduated with. It is strange to start thinking about graduating already. I am signed up to be on the yearbook committee and the activities committee. Now, I will finally be able to use my amazing yearbook skills again ;) I almost ran for an office (treasurer), but I decided that it would probably be too much for me to do, so maybe I can be chairman of one of the committees I'm on.



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