Monday, August 04, 2008


So, last week was a lot of fun. Our family minus the father and daughter who work went to New Mexico. Nat went fishing for a few days with our Grandpa and Mom and I learned how to quilt from my Great-Grandma. Libba watched movies while we quilted in the mornings and Phil just ran around making a nuisance of himself. Enjoyed learning how to quilt and if I had time I would probably attempt a small quilted somthing-or-other but since I already have way too many hobbies that I am working on, and school is about to start in earnest, I figure it would be a good idea to not start something new.

While I was in NM, I signed myself in to Bondage. Literally. Remember the Oklahoma History class I was in last year? Well, the teacher, Mrs. Bond, also teaches American History. I shall have to slave away for her again this year. It will be a little easier because I know what to expect now. We also signed up for choir again this year. I was going to do a different choir because I am not fond of the way the homeschool choir is run but it didn't work out. Oh well, I will try to ignore all the frustrating things that happen every 30 seconds.

So, now for pictures from our trip:

First, some scenery. It is so beautiful in NM. As M0m says, the sky is the bluest in NM.

The clouds were spectacular on the trip to Las Cruces.

These are the Organ Mountains, my favorite mountains. Las Cruses is right by them so you can see them a lot in the city.

These are the Organ Mts. at sunset. I wasn't in the best spot for picture-taking though.

More sunset.

Friday we went to the park.

It was hot.

This is Mom and Mimmie quilting.

This is the water tower that mom and I walked to Saturday morning. It was a lot longer on foot then it was on a bike.

I thought I would close with some cactus flowers. (there isn't a ' at the end of cactus is there?)


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