Thursday, December 04, 2008


So, I was watching Mythbusters last night and Jamie and Adam were trying to separate two phone books that they had interlaced the pages of. How much pressure do you think it would take? Watch the video to find out:

Now, do you want to know how much force it took to separate those phone books? 8,000 pounds! I was quite surprised. That means you could hang the two cars in the video from the phone books and they wouldn't break. That's some serious strength!

So, I have been babysitting this whole week. My choir director was not happy that I missed sectionals but since it is the only time I have missed anything since September, I don't feel too bad about it. The two kids I have been babysitting for are 2 1/2 and I think 10 months. I didn't get to meet the younger one (Carter) until yesterday because he was already asleep when I got there the other times. Both kids are so cute and they are both quite fat, but babies are supposed to be fat. Tonight Jc is babysitting for them so it will be awhile before I see them again.

On Sunday our girls ensemble will finally sing in church. I am a little concerned because we have never been all that spectacular and it has been awhile since we worked with mics. But, whatever happens, I want to get it overwith and start fresh in the spring.


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