Thursday, June 05, 2008


Happy Birthday Jc! Yesterday, the 4th, was Jc's 17th! I made a cake and we had a little "party" for her. Yay Jc!

So, our trip and "family gathering" was a lot of fun. Friday we mostly just hung around. Saturday morning we found some canoe's and paddled down a river. We also sat around at the pool (some of us swam but I decided not to) and in the afternoon a few of us put together a puzzle. It was two games in one, because we played hide and seek with several pieces before we started puzzling. They were hiding in other puzzle boxes. Some of the pieces were hopelessly lost though. Amazingly, I was one of the only people who avoided the torture of a sunburn.

Sunday we were packing up and just about to leave for the caverns when we learned that our cousin fell out of a truck and possibly broke his arm. So while our grandparents took him to the hospital the rest of us (aunts, uncles and cousins) went to Carlsbad Caverns. They were much cooler then the scorching 105 degrees out side and they were simply beyond description. I will have to post pictures at a later date. After we finished at the caverns we went to our grandparents 5th wheel and waited for 40 minutes outside with no cold drinks or shade (I will remind you it was 100+ out there) till my grandparents came back with our Casted Cousin. He had broken a bone in his arm, close to the wrist. We are praying that the arm will heal well.

We then went to Las Cruses and visited my great grandmother. On Tuesday, we drove home. Well, I have to go, I think we might be swimming now in the hurricane that seems to be blowing in.



Leighanne said...

Thank you for the birthday greetings. :-)

WoOt for SWIMMING IN HURRICANES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And technically it was only one aunt and one uncle...


Petr said...

Well, then, more birthday greetings! A day late, but greetings nonetheless! (to JCP, even though this is Ell's blog, I thought I might as well)

Och, broken arm. Not fun. Nuff said.

Carlsbad? Heard of it, but.... I'll be looking for pictures!
